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11 Best Yoga Poses for Sex: Spice Up Your Intimacy with Some Flexibility

11 Best Yoga Poses for Sex: Spice Up Your Intimacy with Some Flexibility

Yoga has long been known for its positive physical and mental benefits, but did you know that it can also help you get in the mood? Sexy yoga poses are designed to help you build your connection with yourself, your partner, and your body.

These poses help you to open up your body and release any tension or stress that may be blocking your sexual energy. By incorporating these poses into your practice, you can start to feel more connected to your body and more aroused. Not only will they help you to feel more sensual, but they can also strengthen your core, improve flexibility and balance, and increase blood flow to your pelvic area.

So why not give it a try? With the right poses, you can turn up the heat in your practice, and in the bedroom!

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana) is one of the sexiest yoga poses. This deep hip opener requires a lot of flexibility and strength, as well as creating a sense of balance and grounding. In this pose, your body is fully stretched in a wide-legged stance, while your arms are almost touching the ground.

This pose is great for increasing flexibility in your hips, hamstrings, and calves. It also opens your chest and shoulders, while relieving tension in your neck and back. On a spiritual level, the Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold brings awareness to your innermost feelings and emotions. It helps to calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace and balance.

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold is a great pose for any yogi looking to add a bit of sexiness to their practice. It's not only aesthetically pleasing but it also provides many physical and spiritual benefits. So if you're looking to spice up your yoga practice, this is one pose you won't want to miss.

To make this pose more sexy, you can have your partner stand behind you, pressing their body against yours to add an extra level of pleasure. This can be great for exploring different angles and adding an extra challenge to the pose.

As you fold forward, your partner can massage your back and neck, kiss your neck and ears, or whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold is a great way to add some yoga into your sex life and explore new sensations with your partner.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold (or Prasarita Padottanasana) is a yoga pose that can be used to enhance sexual pleasure. To get into the pose, stand with your feet wide apart and bend forward from the hips. Allow your upper body to hang down, with your hands on the floor or on your shins. This pose will open up your pelvic area, allowing for deeper penetration and increased pleasure.

To use Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold during sex, have your partner stand between your legs and enter you from behind. This position will allow for deeper penetration, as well as giving your partner access to your clitoris or other erogenous zones. If you're feeling extra flexible, you can also try lifting one leg up onto your partner's shoulder while they thrust.

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold is a great way to add variety to your sexual repertoire. It's hot yoga sex position to deepen the connection between you and your partner while also exploring new levels of pleasure.


The butterfly pose, or Baddha Konasana, is a classic yoga pose that is perfect for those looking to add a bit of sexy spice to their practice. This hip-opening posture helps to increase flexibility and strength in the hips and inner thighs, while also helping to improve balance. To do the butterfly pose, start seated with the soles of your feet together and your knees out to the sides.

Gently press your feet together and use your hands to press your knees down towards the floor.

Once you feel comfortable, you can bring your hands to your heart center in a prayer position or reach them out in front of you. As you hold the pose, take deep breaths and let your body relax into the stretch. When done correctly, the butterfly pose is a great way to open up the hips, strengthen the inner thighs, and get in touch with your sexy side.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Butterfly pose fold is a hot yoga sex position that can add pleasure and intimacy to the bedroom. It involves the partner lying on their back, while the other partner straddles them with their legs bent and feet placed on either side of their partner’s head. This position allows for deep penetration and allows both partners to maintain eye contact.

To use Butterfly pose fold during sex, start by having one partner lie down on their back. Then, have the other partner straddle them with their legs bent and feet placed on either side of their partner's head. From here, the partner on top can thrust themselves forward to increase the depth of penetration. The partner on the bottom can also use their hands and feet to help lift the other partner up.

By using Butterfly pose fold during sex, couples can create deeper connections and experience greater pleasure. The position also provides an excellent platform for mutual stimulation and increased intimacy.

Happy Baby

The Happy Baby pose is one of the most popular and accessible yoga poses, suitable for all levels of practitioners. It is a gentle, yet effective way to relax and stretch the hips and lower back. The pose also helps to open up the chest and shoulders, and can help to relieve stress and tension. When practiced with mindfulness, the Happy Baby pose can be a deeply intimate experience that helps to create a sense of connection and intimacy with your partner.

As with all poses, it is important to practice with caution and focus on how your body is feeling. If any discomfort or pain arises, take a break, adjust your pose and try again. With mindfulness and patience, you should be able to experience the full benefits of the Happy Baby pose.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Happy Baby pose Fold, also known as Ananda Balasana, is a yoga pose that can be used to increase pleasure during sex. To do this, start by lying down on your back and bringing your knees into your chest. Then, reach up and grab the outside edges of your feet with your hands. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart.

Once you're comfortable in this position, use your arms to pull your knees towards your chest and lift your hips off the ground. This will create a deeper angle for penetration, which will increase sensation for both partners. You can also use this position to bring your partner closer to you and build intimacy. When finished, simply bring your feet back to the ground and relax. Happy Baby pose Fold can be a great way to spice up your sex life and add an extra level of pleasure.

Standing Forward Fold

The Standing Forward Fold pose is an essential part of any yoga practice. It is a gentle forward bend that helps to stretch and relax the entire body. It also helps improve balance and concentration. To get into the pose, stand tall with your feet slightly apart and your hands at your sides. Take a deep breath, then bend at the waist and slowly lower your torso down towards the floor.

Allow your hands to come down to the floor or to your shins. When you are in the pose, keep your spine long and relax your neck and shoulders. Hold the pose for as long as is comfortable, then inhale and slowly come up out of the pose. Standing Forward Fold pose is a great way to get a gentle stretch and connect with your body. It can also be a great way to start and end a yoga practice, helping you to unwind and prepare for the poses that follow.

Try it in Your Bedroom

The Standing Forward Fold pose, also known as Uttanasana, is a yoga posture that can be beneficial during sex. This hot yoga sex position increases flexibility in the hips, hamstrings, and lower back which can help to deepen penetration and increase range of motion. It can also be used as a way to increase arousal and intensify the sensations of pleasure.

To use the pose during sex, the receiving partner should start by standing with their feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. They should then hinge from their hips and lean forward, allowing their head to come close to their knees. While in the pose, the receiving partner should focus on breathing deeply, allowing their body to relax and open up. The penetrating partner can then enter from behind and use their hands to support the receiving partner's back. This can help to create a deeper connection between the partners and make the experience more pleasurable.

Low Cobra

The low cobra pose is a great way to spice up your yoga practice. This pose is a variation of the traditional cobra pose, in which you arch your back and lift your chest up to the sky. In the low cobra pose, you lower your chest and pelvis closer to the ground, creating an even deeper backbend. This pose is a great way to build strength and flexibility in the spine, and it also helps to open the hips. Plus, it looks great and feels very sexy.

To do the low cobra pose, start by lying on your stomach with your legs together and your arms by your sides. On an inhalation, slowly lift your chest and pelvis off the ground while keeping your legs and arms active. Hold the pose for a few breaths before slowly releasing back to the ground.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Low Cobra Pose Fold is an intimate yoga position that can be used during sex to add a new level of pleasure and closeness. To achieve this hot yoga sex position, have your partner lie on their back with their legs bent and their feet flat on the bed. Then, straddle their waist while lying on your stomach, pressing your chest against theirs.

Your partner should then use their hands to press your hips down as they simultaneously lift their pelvis up, creating a deeper connection between you. This position is great for slow, deep penetration, allowing for more connection and intimacy. You can also use this position to experiment with different angles and techniques for more intense pleasure. It's a great way to switch things up during sex!

Supported Bridge

Supported Bridge pose is a great yoga pose to help you release tension in your lower back and open up your upper chest. This pose is a great addition to any yoga practice, as it can help to improve posture and bring awareness to the breath. To enter the pose, begin by lying on your back and bending your knees.

Place your feet flat on the mat and bring your arms alongside your body, palms facing up. Take a deep breath and slowly lift your hips up as you draw your chest toward the ceiling. You can place a block or rolled-up blanket under your sacrum, if needed, to provide support.

Hold the pose for a few deep breaths and then slowly release back down to the ground. Supported Bridge pose is a great way to experience the rejuvenating benefits of yoga while also feeling sexy and confident in your own body.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Supported Bridge pose Fold is a yoga position that can be used during sex to enhance pleasure for both partners. To begin this hot yoga sex position, one partner lies down on their back while the other partner kneels behind them. The partner lying down should then bend their knees and bring their feet toward their chest. The kneeling partner can then place their hands on their partner's hips and lower back to support them.

This position provides an intimate connection and allows access to both partners' intimate areas, allowing for deeper penetration and more pleasure. It is important to take your time and communicate with each other throughout the experience to ensure comfort and safety. With practice, Supported Bridge pose Fold can be a highly enjoyable and intimate way to connect with your partner during sex.

Downward Dog

The Downward Dog is a classic yoga pose that is both sexy and empowering. It is a great way to stretch the spine, opens up the chest and shoulders, and strengthens the arms and legs. To perform this hot yoga sex position, start in a tabletop position on your hands and knees. Then, lift your hips up towards the sky and press your palms into the ground.

Make sure your feet are hip-width apart and your arms are shoulder-width apart. You should feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings and lower back as you hold the pose for a few breaths. The Downward Dog is a great pose for everyone, regardless of experience level. With practice, it can become a powerful tool for both physical and emotional transformation.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Downward Dog Fold is a yoga pose that can be used to enhance intimacy and pleasure during sex. To begin, your partner should start in the traditional Downward Dog pose with their hands and feet on the ground, hips in the air, and head and chest facing down. Once in the pose, your partner should slowly fold their knees towards their chest and rock their hips back and forth.

This will increase the flexibility of their spine, which can increase sensation during sex. To intensify the experience, your partner can extend their arms out in front of them to deepen the stretch. As your partner rocks their hips back and forth, use your hands to massage their lower back and shoulders. This will help to relax their muscles, while also providing a pleasurable sensation. With a few adjustments, the Downward Dog Fold can help to add some spice to your sex life.

Child’s Pose

Child's Pose is a popular yoga pose that is both calming and grounding. It is often used to end a yoga practice or to take a break during a challenging sequence. To get into the pose, start on your hands and knees with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders and your knees below your hips.

Slowly exhale and move your torso forward as you bring your hips back towards your heels. Rest your forehead on the floor, and stretch your arms out in front of you. This pose can be modified to be more sultry and sexy. To do this, try widening your knees further apart and deepening the forward bend of your torso. You can also reach one arm up and behind your head, or use a prop such as a bolster or block to rest your forehead on for a more comfortable position. This variation will open up the chest and create a more sensual feel for the pose.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Child's Pose Fold is a beginner-friendly hot yoga sex position that can be used to add an extra layer of pleasure during sex. To do the pose, start in a kneeling position with your partner behind you. Lower your chest and forehead to the bed or floor and relax your arms by your sides. Your partner can then wrap their arms around you and hold you in place as they move their hips against yours.

This will create a rocking motion that can be incredibly pleasurable and intimate. You can also add in some breathing exercises to help deepen the connection between you and your partner. As you exhale, focus on relaxing your body and sending your energy to your partner. You can also use the Child's Pose Fold to rest between intense sessions of lovemaking. It is a great way to reconnect with your partner and enjoy the moment.

Puppy Pose

The Puppy Pose is a great way to open up the chest and shoulders while getting a deeper stretch in the arms and back. To get into the pose, begin on all fours on your mat. Make sure your wrists are directly below your shoulders and your knees are directly below your hips.

Slowly lower your chest forward towards the ground, keeping your arms straight and your elbows slightly bent. As you do this, press your hips back and up towards the sky. Hold this position for a few breaths and focus on deepening the stretch in your arms, back and shoulders.

When you're ready to come out of the pose, press back into your hands and lift your chest back up. This pose is both challenging and rewarding, making it an excellent addition to any yoga practice.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Puppy Pose Fold is a great way to incorporate a more intimate and sensual feel into your sex life. This pose involves one partner lying on their back with their legs spread wide and their knees bent, while the other partner kneels over them in a kneeling position.

This hot yoga sex position position allows for deep penetration and can be used to add an extra element of pleasure, as it provides more direct stimulation to the clitoris and G-spot. It also gives the partner underneath the opportunity to control the speed and depth of the thrusts. To spice things up, the partners can switch positions so that each person gets the chance to be on top. Puppy Pose Fold is a fun and intimate way to explore one another's bodies and have an enjoyable, passionate experience.


Cat-Cow pose is a common yoga pose that is part of many yoga routines. It is a flowing, invigorating exercise that helps to open the chest and shoulders while strengthening the back and core.

Cat-Cow pose is also great for improving flexibility and balance. This pose can even be made more challenging by adding a few sexy twists. To do this, start in a tabletop position with your palms flat on the floor and your knees bent.

Taking a deep breath, drop your belly to the floor as you arch your back and lift your head up, looking towards the sky. On your exhale, round your spine and tuck your chin towards your chest. As you move through this flow, focus on engaging your core and keeping your breath steady. With a few modifications, Cat-Cow can become a graceful and sexy yoga pose that will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Cat-Cow Pose Fold is a yoga pose that can be used during sex to enhance pleasure and connection. To start, both partners should be lying on their sides facing each other. The partner on the bottom should bend their knees, allowing their partner to straddle them. The partner on top should then slowly move into Cat-Cow Pose Fold, arching their back and pushing their hips forward into the partner's body.

This should cause both partners to feel a deep stretch in their hips and groin area. As the partner on top moves into the pose, they should also draw their navel towards their spine, engaging their core muscles. This helps to create an additional sensation of pleasure as they move. With each breath and movement, partners should focus on creating a deeper connection with each other. Once the pose is complete, partners can switch positions and repeat the pose.

Corpse Pose

Corpse pose, also known as savasana, is an essential part of any yoga practice. It is used to relax the body and mind after a challenging class. But it can also be used as a sexy yoga pose for those looking to add some sizzle to their practice. To do this pose, you will need a yoga mat and some comfortable clothing.

Begin by lying down on your back with your feet slightly apart and your arms at your sides. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and focus your attention on how your body feels. Feel the sensation of your feet pressing into the mat, the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, and the stillness of your arms.

After a few minutes, you should begin to feel relaxed and connected to your body. Corpse pose is a great way to end a yoga practice, but it can also be a sexy and intimate way to connect with your partner.

Try it in Your Bedroom

Corpse Pose Fold is a hot yoga sex position that can be used for both relaxation and as an intimate part of your sex life. To use Corpse Pose Fold during sex, start by getting into the traditional Corpse Pose position, either with your partner or on your own.

Once you are in the pose, focus on your breathing and allow yourself to relax. You can then use this position as an opportunity to explore different angles and create deeper intimacy with your partner. For example, you could use this pose to move into different positions such as cowgirl or doggy style.

You can also use it to bring a more spiritual element to your lovemaking by focusing on the connection between you and your partner. Corpse Pose Fold can help you explore new ways of being together and make sex a more meaningful experience.

Never Force into a Painful Or Uncomfortable Position

When it comes to yoga, one of the most important things to remember is to never force your body into a position that is painful or uncomfortable. If you are ever in a pose that feels too challenging, you should listen to your body and back out of it.

Even if the pose looks impressive or "sexy," if it's too hard for you, it's not worth it. Instead, focus on poses that you can do comfortably and safely. There are plenty of yoga poses that can help you look and feel sexy without causing any pain or discomfort.

Start with basic poses like warrior two and downward-facing dog, and then build up to more challenging poses like bird of paradise and flying pigeon. Remember, yoga is all about finding what works best for your body, so don't be afraid to get creative and explore different poses that make you feel sexy and confident.

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