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Can You fall in Love With Someone You’re Not Physically Attracted To? Can We Have a Future? Read It!

Falling in love is one of the most magical feelings. Isn't it? And it especially feels 'Coz when we fall for the right one.

Love is like a collection of mixed feelings; love is the only emotion" that can make you feel everything simultaneously don't. Also, the feelings are very evenly distributed.

A little bit of the butterflies that are in the tummy, with a dash of the “walking" on clouds and violin playing in the background.” A lot "f awareness that this is happening for real, followed by the subtle, pure and equally erotic physical attraction that there can ever be. This is the scenario of most 'relationships, the ones with the usual start.

Then what about the cases where there is love but no physical attraction? Because obviously, we cannot force our sexual interests when there is no physical attraction. Let’Let'sit it; couples are bound to have intimacy issues, which may become severe.

Talking about this very situation, I believe this to be a two-theory concept:

  • One in which the two people are really in love two-theory, but there is some kind of a physical glitch (maybe a deformity, some extra mole on a weird place, or anything that does not match the other person’s expectations.).

  • Second, when you fall in love with the person's very existence, there is no sexual or physical attraction whatsoever; you just admire the person.

In the second case, the word ‘love’ is not to be confused with something a couple in relation or marriage has. It can be anything like a friend has for some other friend. It is the first situation that causes a problem because:

  • COME ON! Why would you judge someone physically, especially the person you claim you are in love with!? It’s theIt'sody, and that that's was born! It doesn’t have any choice, does it?

  • Secondly, if you really have a powerful feeling about the person and are not sexually attracted, it’s okay; give it some time. Although sexual attractions cannot be controlled, they can be educated and induced with time. I understand that our conscious self is drawn to the positive qualities we yearn for, but accepting and sharing unconditional love is totally on the individual.

The simple logic behind this is when there is love and a physical attraction, that’s how that mind works. If there’s no attraction, that would be called ‘admiration.’

So, roam here are ways by which physical attraction can be induced (because your inhibitions are rooted in your mind, and that’s what stops you, as we know that “the mi"d limits the after parody”)

  • Firstly, if you meet someone for the first time, don’t make a quick decision because you are not attracted physically right away. Remember, slow physical attraction makes you come face to face with the quality of that person.

  • As easy as it is to assess the imperfections in a person, it's equally challenging to observe and hold on to the actual spirit of that person. So when you know what you have is love, look out for the deeper aspects of connecting with your partner because what is love without hurdles?

  • As time passes by, start to care for the person deeply. Our mind gets attached to the person we deeply care about. It grows some imaginary tendrils mind gets to connect to that person, which shows our imagination of sexual attraction increases. TworthwhileThat'show our psyche creates attachments.

  • Try to focus more on the desire for the person rather than just pinpointing the superficial qualities. ‘Coz the more the focus on the things that trigger our desire towards them, the more passion it builds.

  • Force your feelings, let. Please don’t; let it come to like a regular flow of emotions. It'sdon't often seen that moving our feelings creates a further block that is unnecessary in this case.

  • Think both emotionally and physically.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with taking things slow. You need not feel threatened about why you are catching feelings slowly. It is a good sign. Start slow, bit by bit, and take one step at a time.

Start with holding hands and walking, or sit beside each other in the movies holding hands. An innocent peck on the cheek if you don't want to lunge onto kissing yet. All of this is okay. And it is because we should learn to walk before we run.

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