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Top 10 Foods Breast-Feeding Moms Should Completely Avoid That may Cause Harm to Baby!

10 Foods, Breast-feeding moms

Mothers are very protective of their children. They want everything perfect for their babies. Then why should you neglect the food you consume during breastfeeding?

The food you take will impact on the milk you give to your child through breastfeeding. To avoid this, you should avoid some food items during breastfeeding.

Here is the list of top 10 foods that breastfeeding moms need to avoid.

Coffee and Tea

Having late night naps and getting up early when you have a small baby is quite common. To refresh yourself the first thing you do when you wake up is to have a cup of coffee or tea but when you breastfeed your child then it is not good to drink these two.

Because the caffeine present in coffee and tea is not good for your child, it makes sleeping difficult for both you and your child.


Fish contains proteins and is good for health. But there are few types of fish that are not good to eat during breastfeeding your child. Fishes like Swordfish contain high levels of mercury which is not good for the child. And King mackerel is also high in mercury. The fishes which are high in mercury levels should not be taken during breastfeeding. It may harm the child.


Avoiding the consumption of alcohol is better during breastfeeding. But if you want to have it in a small amount then you should drink in prescribed timing. It takes one to two hours for alcohol to metabolize, once it is out of your bloodstream then it will no longer be in your breast milk. So, consume alcohol after breastfeeding your child, once the child's tummy is full and your body will have enough time to metabolize the alcohol you consumed which will not do any harm to your child when you feed next time.


Chocolate also contains caffeine, eating more chocolates may affect your child's sleep. So, take it in a small amount if you cannot stop eating chocolates. Milk chocolate is better than having dark chocolates.


The food you take will taste the milk consumed by your baby during breastfeeding, as it is known that garlic tastes a little bit different and most of the babies don’t like it. When your baby avoids drinking your milk, make sure you don’t eat garlic again till you breastfeed your baby.

Parsley and Peppermint

Although parsley is a nice garnish and peppermint is known for its exotic flavours in tea; you cannot consume these during breastfeeding. The main problem with these herbs is that they risk your body depriving it of nutritional supplies.

If you are using these herbs in small quantities, they will not cause an issue. But beware of any dips following eating either of these herbs. This care should be taken especially when you are reaching a growth spurt when the baby becomes hungrier than usual.


It is one of the most common problem foods for breastfeeding moms and babies. If your baby is fussy after being nursed, has skin problems such as eczema and other such issues, or sleep issues, you can eliminate the diet. It is a great place to start.

While you might face problems in avoiding all dairy products, you need to go dairy-free for at least a week. This will help you in ruling out the dairy allergy. However, if you see improvement in your allergy, beware. It can be a culprit to your baby’s woes.


Remember, the gastrointestinal tract of your baby is still immature. Hence, certain compounds present in citrus fruits can be highly irritating. Consumption of citrus in nursing mothers can cause severe problems in babies.

They can cause spitting up, fussiness, and even diaper rash in your babies. If you are craving for some vitamin C, try to have sweet fruits such as mango or pineapple.


Having a history of peanut allergy in your family? Then, you must avoid consuming peanuts until weaning your baby. The allergenic compounds in peanuts and tree nuts are transmitted to your breast milk. Not sure whether your baby has a peanut allergy? Watch for wheezing, hives, or rash on your baby’s skin. These are the signs of allergic reactions.


Is your baby passing out bloody stools? This might be due to gluten intolerance. Fussiness and painful tummy can also be due to wheat. The best way to determine the issue of allergy with wheat is following the elimination diet.

Several moms have chosen to eliminate all the common problems causing foods and slowly reintroducing them, but one at a time. The slow reintroduction helps in pinpointing the allergies and intolerance. Thereby, it helps in opening the door for keeping other foods back into their diet.

These are the few food items you should avoid while you breastfeed your child. If you are unable to avoid some foods then make sure to consume them after feeding your child, so then there will be time to metabolize which may not affect your child.

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