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Unveiling 25 Mind-Blowing Secrets of Ancient Egyptians: From Toilet Tombs to Bread Currency!

Unveiling 25 Mind-Blowing Secrets of Ancient Egyptians: From Toilet Tombs to Bread Currency!

The ancient Egyptians, known for their magnificent pyramids, intricate hieroglyphics, and rich mythology, were a civilization that held numerous secrets and surprises. While we may be familiar with some of their well-known practices, such as mummification and pharaohs, countless bizarre and peculiar aspects of their culture remain lesser known. In this blog, we delve into the depths of ancient Egypt to unravel 25 of the most extraordinary and peculiar things they did.

Secrets of Ancient Egyptians:

Trained baboons to catch criminals and assist the police:

Imagine a world where baboons acted as law enforcement officers! In ancient Egypt, these intelligent creatures were trained to assist in capturing criminals, showcasing the Egyptians' unique relationship with the animal kingdom.

Sacrificed and mummified crocodiles as sacred offerings:

The Egyptians held a deep reverence for various animals, including crocodiles. They would sacrifice and mummify these creatures as offerings to the gods, highlighting their belief in the animal's sacredness.

Used a combination of burned eggshells, pumice, and bull hooves ashes for oral hygiene:

Oral hygiene was a priority for the ancient Egyptians, and their methods were quite unconventional. They used a mixture of burned eggshells, pumice, and ashes from bull hooves to clean their teeth—a practice that surely leaves us with a sense of wonder.

Shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the death of a beloved cat:

Cats held a special place in Egyptian society, so much so that when a cat passed away, their human caretakers would mourn by shaving off their eyebrows. This unique gesture exemplifies the deep bond they shared with their feline companions.

Bathed in sour milk for improved skin appearance:

Seeking beautiful and radiant skin, the Egyptians turned to an unusual solution—sour milk. They believed bathing in this curdled liquid would enhance their skin's appearance and keep it youthful.

Used moldy bread to heal wounds, a precursor to antibiotics:

Before the discovery of antibiotics, the Egyptians were innovators in wound healing. They would apply moldy bread to wounds, which unknowingly introduced penicillin-like substances, aiding the healing process.

The female pharaoh wore a fake beard to appear more masculine:

Hatshepsut, one of Egypt's few female pharaohs, sought to assert her authority and power by wearing a fake beard. This unconventional fashion statement blurred gender lines and demonstrated her determination to rule effectively.

Tied pouches with mouse bones around the necks of infants and young children to cure illnesses:

Egyptian parents would tie small pouches filled with mouse bones around their children's necks to protect their little ones from illnesses. They believed this practice would ward off evil spirits and keep their offspring healthy.

Used canopic jars to store vital organs during mummification:

During the mummification process, the Egyptians removed and preserved various organs. These organs were then stored in special containers called canopic jars, each guarded by a different deity-headed stopper.

King Pepi II possibly ruled for 90 years, the longest reign in ancient Egypt:

The reign of King Pepi II is legendary, possibly lasting an astonishing 90 years. This would make him the longest-reigning pharaoh in ancient Egyptian history.

Developed an advanced tattoo culture:

Ancient Egyptian men and women adorned their bodies with intricate tattoos. From religious symbols to protective amulets, these tattoos served to express their beliefs and ward off evil spirits.

Used bread and beer as a form of currency for trade:

In a unique approach to commerce, bread and beer served as a currency for trade in ancient Egypt. These staples of daily life held significant value, showcasing the resourcefulness of the Egyptian civilization.

Built toilets in tombs as a sign of respect for the deceased:

The Egyptians deeply respected the deceased, even in the afterlife. To provide comfort and convenience, they built toilets in tombs, ensuring the departed could enjoy the same amenities as the living.

Pharaoh's hair was considered sacred and never supposed to be seen:

The hair of the pharaoh was deemed sacred and a symbol of their divine power. It was always covered and never meant to be seen by the public, emphasizing the pharaoh's elevated status.

Wore sandals with the faces of their enemies drawn on the soles:

As an act of symbolic conquest, the ancient Egyptians crafted sandals with the faces of their enemies illustrated on the soles. This allowed them to tread upon their foes as they walked literally.

Created hieroglyphs without vowels:

Hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian writing system, omitted vowels, making it challenging to ascertain the exact pronunciation of their words. This linguistic peculiarity adds an air of mystery to their ancient texts.

Considered scarab beetles sacred and associated them with the sun gods:

The scarab beetle held great significance in Egyptian mythology. It was associated with the sun gods and considered a symbol of transformation and rebirth, displaying the Egyptians' deep spiritual beliefs.

Made flyswatters from giraffe tails to keep insects away:

The Egyptians ingeniously crafted flyswatters from giraffe tails to combat the ever-present annoyance of flies and insects. This inventive solution showcased their resourcefulness in dealing with everyday challenges.

Kept unusual pets, including hawks, ibis's, lions, and monkeys:

The Egyptians were fond of unusual pets, extending beyond the typical cats and dogs. They kept hawks, ibis's, lions, monkeys, and other exotic animals, illustrating their affinity for the animal kingdom.

Buried pharaohs with miniature models of their servants, known as ashapi:

In preparation for the afterlife, pharaohs were buried with miniature models of their servants, known as ashapi. These figurines were believed to perform various tasks for the pharaoh in the realm beyond.

Believed in the regenerative abilities of the scarab beetle:

The Egyptians believed in the scarab beetle's regenerative powers, associating it with the rising and setting sun. This notion of rebirth and renewal was deeply ingrained in their spiritual beliefs.

Constructed intricate and ornate canopic jars:

The Egyptians displayed their artistic prowess in the creation of canopic jars. These containers, used to store the preserved organs of the deceased, were meticulously crafted, often depicting the four sons of Horus.

Rumored to have buried soldiers and workers who built the pyramids with beer and bread as payment:

Legend says that the workers who labored to build the pyramids were paid with beer and bread. While this may sound unusual, it was a form of payment and sustenance in ancient Egyptian society.

Incorporated special herbs and oils to heal and fix the coloring of tattoos:

The Egyptians understood the importance of maintaining vibrant and flawless tattoos. They used special herbs and oils to heal the tattooed skin and enhance the colors, showcasing their commitment to body art.

Used spell-infused magical figurines called ashapi:

In their quest for a prosperous afterlife, the Egyptians created magical figurines known as ashapi. These spell-infused objects were believed to perform various tasks and cater to the pharaoh's needs in the next world.

End Note:

The ancient Egyptians continue to captivate us with their enigmatic practices and beliefs. Their culture was rich with bizarre and extraordinary customs that set them apart from other civilizations. The ancient Egyptians left an indelible mark on history, from their unconventional grooming habits to their unique approach to medicine and spirituality. Exploring these 25 bizarre things they did gives us a glimpse into their fascinating world and invites us to ponder the mysteries still surrounding this remarkable civilization.

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