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Major Kami of Japan: Know All About Japanese Kami Gods!

Writer: KavishtKavisht

Major Kami of Japan: Know All About Japanese Kami Deities

Kami are an important part of the Shinto religion, which is the traditional faith of Japan. Kami are divine spirits, or gods, that inhabit the natural world. They are seen as being responsible for the creation and maintenance of all living things, and as such are revered and worshiped by the Japanese people.

There are a number of major Kami, each associated with a particular aspect of life or the environment. These include Amaterasu (the sun goddess), Susanoo (the god of storms), Inari (the god of rice and fertility), Raijin (the god of thunder), and Tsukiyomi (the moon god).

Other Kami include Ebisu (the god of luck and prosperity) and Benzaiten (the goddess of music, art, and knowledge). Kami are seen as benevolent spirits, and offering them prayers and worship is an important part of Shinto practice.


Amaterasu-Ōmikami is a major kami in Japanese mythology and the goddess of the sun. According to Shinto mythology, she is the daughter of the creator god Izanagi and the goddess Izanami, and is considered the ancestor of the Imperial family of Japan.

In Shinto rituals, Amaterasu-Ōmikami is venerated as a symbol of power and purity. She is often depicted as a woman clad in white robes with a sun disk on her head, representing her connection to the divine light of the sun.

In addition to being a powerful deity, she is also a symbol of peace and harmony. She is said to have descended from the heavens when her father, Izanagi, sang a special song and to have brought light and joy to the world. Amaterasu-Ōmikami is an important part of Japanese culture, and her influence can be found in many aspects of modern life.


Ame-no-Uzume is a major kami, or shinto deity, in Japanese mythology. She is often referred to as the goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry. She is typically depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a bright red dress and dancing in a lively fashion. According to legend, Ame-no-Uzume was responsible for luring the sun goddess Amaterasu out of her cave, where she had retreated in a fit of anger.

Ame-no-Uzume's dance was so captivating that it drew Amaterasu out of her self-imposed exile, thus restoring light and life to the world. Ame-no-Uzume is widely celebrated in Japan and is often depicted in art and literature. As a goddess of revelry, she is also associated with traditional festivals such as hanami (flower viewing) and the Bon Festival.

Ame-no-Uzume is best known for her role in luring the Sun goddess Amaterasu out of the cave in which she had hidden herself away from the world.

In addition to her role in the creation mythology, Ame-no-Uzume is also associated with the arts and entertainment, as well as dance and festivals. She is a popular figure in Japanese culture, often appearing in artwork, literature, and movies. As a major kami, Ame-no-Uzume serves as an important source of inspiration for many people, reminding us of the power of laughter and joy to bring us together.


Fūjin is also known as the god of wind. He is often depicted as a strong, elderly man with a wild mane of white hair and a beard, wearing a leopard skin over his shoulder and carrying a large bag full of wind. His name literally translates to “wind-blower” and he is said to have the power to bring forth storms and other violent weather.

He is the brother of Raijin, the god of thunder and lightning, and his parents are Izanagi and Izanami, the two primordial kami who created Japan. Fūjin is associated with many different aspects of nature, including the sea, plants, and animals, and he is an important figure in Shinto shrines. He is also seen as a symbol of strength and power, and he is often invoked for protection from harm.


Hachiman is a major kami, or Shinto spirit, in Japanese mythology. He is believed to be the direct descendant of Amaterasu, the sun goddess, and is associated with martial prowess and the protection of the nation.

In addition to his many associations with military strength, Hachiman is also seen as a god of agriculture and fertility, having been prayed to by farmers throughout the ages. He is typically portrayed as a powerful warrior, carrying a bow and arrow, and accompanied by two white stags. He is also sometimes seen in armor and accompanied by a hawk. Hachiman is widely worshiped throughout Japan, and many shrines are dedicated to him. He is also the patron kami of the Japanese imperial family.

Inari Ōkami

Inari Ōkami is one of the most important kami (gods) in the Shinto religion of Japan. Inari is associated with fertility, rice, sake, agriculture, foxes and industry. Inari is also seen as a protector of martial arts and warriors, and has been worshiped since ancient times.

Inari is often depicted as a female kami, but can also appear as a male. In some stories, Inari is said to have multiple forms such as a fox, a snake, and a human.

Inari is the most widely worshiped kami in Japan, with thousands of shrines dedicated to its worship. The main shrine to Inari is the Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto, which was established in 711 AD. It is home to thousands of colorful torii gates which form a path up Mount Inari. Today, many people visit Fushimi Inari Taisha to pay their respects to Inari and ask for its protection.


Ninigi-no-Mikoto is the grandson of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu and a descendant of the gods Izanagi and Izanami. He is also credited as the ancestor of the Japanese imperial family. In the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, two ancient Japanese texts, Ninigi-no-Mikoto is depicted as a heroic figure who was sent down from the heavens to bring peace and prosperity to Japan.

Upon his arrival, he presented Amaterasu's sacred treasures to the Japanese people and taught them the virtues of honesty, justice, and hard work. Ninigi-no-Mikoto is still revered today as a symbol of divine will and as a reminder of the importance of living a virtuous life.


Ōmononushi is believed to be the god of mountains, warriors, swordsmanship, and blacksmiths. According to myth, Ōmononushi was born from Izanagi, the creator-god of Shinto mythology. He was tasked with protecting the central area of Japan known as Kii. It is said that Ōmononushi was an expert in swordsmanship and martial arts and that he used his skills to protect the people from evil spirits.

He is also believed to have been the one who gave humans the tools they needed to survive, such as agriculture and fishing. The veneration of Ōmononushi is still practiced today in some Shinto shrines, where offerings of food and prayers are made in his honor.


Ōkuninushi is a powerful figure and an important figure in Shintoism, the native religion of Japan. He is described as a divine being of great strength and intelligence, who rules over the realm of Izumo. He is also associated with healing and prosperity, and he is said to be able to grant wishes.

Ōkuninushi is often portrayed as a wise and compassionate deity, and he is celebrated by people in Japan for his protective powers. He is also credited with facilitating the marriage between the sun goddess Amaterasu and the moon god Tsukuyomi, thereby bringing light and order to the world. In modern times, Ōkuninushi continues to be an important figure in Japanese culture and is revered by many as a powerful spiritual guide.


Omoikane is the god of wisdom and intelligence, known for his knowledge and ability to think quickly and make sound decisions. Omoikane is said to be the son of Izanagi and Izanami, the two primordial deities responsible for the creation of the world. He is revered as one of the three wise kami, alongside Takamimusubi and Ame-no-minakanushi.

Omoikane is often depicted carrying a sword, suggesting his power and authority. He is also associated with knowledge, intelligence, and problem-solving, as well as good luck and prosperity. He is worshiped in shrines throughout Japan, particularly in the Kansai region, where he is regarded as a guardian spirit. Omoikane is an important figure in Japanese mythology, and his influence continues to be felt today.


Raijin is the god of thunder and storms, and is one of the most feared and revered deities in Japanese mythology. Raijin is often depicted as a wild-looking man with a large set of drums, which he uses to create thunder and lightning. He is also sometimes depicted as having horns, claws, and fangs. His symbols include lightning bolts and drums.

Raijin is often seen as a dangerous figure, but he is also respected as a powerful protector. He is said to have the power to bring rain and fertility to the land, as well as ward off evil forces. His festivals are celebrated across Japan, and he is honored during times of natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

Raijin is an important part of Japanese culture and religion, and his powerful presence has been felt for centuries. He is a reminder of the power of nature, and a reminder that it must be respected and revered.


Ryūjin is a major kami (god) in Japanese mythology. He is the patron god of the sea, and his primary duty is to protect and rule over the ocean and the creatures that live within it. Ryūjin is often depicted as an elderly man with a dragon-like form, and he is often accompanied by a sea turtle and a shark. He is said to have control over the tides, and he is credited with creating the first island of Japan, Onogoro-shima.

Ryūjin is also a shape-shifter, and can take on many different forms, including an octopus, a fish, and a dragon. He is a popular figure in Japanese art and literature, appearing in many stories and legends. He is believed to bring good luck to those who honor him, and he is still venerated by many people today.


Suijin is the god of water and is associated with rivers, lakes, and seas. He is said to be a protector of fishermen and sailors, and he is often depicted as a creature with the head of a dragon and the body of a fish.

Suijin is an ancient deity, and he is mentioned in the earliest Japanese texts. He is believed to have been worshiped since at least the 6th century CE. He is also associated with Shinto rituals, such as fertility rites, and with the worship of other kami. He is said to be both benevolent and powerful, and his presence is thought to bring good fortune and protection.

In modern Japan, Suijin remains an important figure. He is often worshiped at shrines dedicated to him and invoked in prayers. He is also a popular figure in art and literature, appearing in myths, stories, and even contemporary anime. His popularity reflects the enduring power of the kami in Japanese culture.


Susanoo-no-Mikoto is the son of Izanagi, the father of all gods, and the brother of Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun. Susanoo is known for his volatile temper and destructive shenanigans, but also for his bravery and courage. In one famous myth, Susanoo descended from heaven in a whirlwind to save his sister from a monstrous serpent.

His courage and strength enabled him to slay the beast and win back Amaterasu's favor. In another myth, Susanoo used his magical powers to create many of Japan's most renowned mountains, islands, and rivers.

In addition to his role in Japanese mythology, Susanoo is also a symbol of strength and courage. He reminds us that even in the face of great danger and adversity, we can find the courage to overcome our fears and achieve great things. He is also a reminder that no matter how difficult life gets, we can use our strength and courage to turn things around.


Takemikazuchi is a major Kami in Japanese mythology, revered for his powerful and protective spirit. He is said to have descended from the heavens to defeat an eight-headed serpent and bring peace to the people of Japan. In some stories, Takemikazuchi is depicted as a giant deity, capable of wielding lightning and thunder with great strength.

In others, he is a powerful warrior who fights with a legendary sword known as Kusanagi. He is often associated with the sun and is seen as a protector of the people. In some regions of Japan, he is known as Takehaya Susano-o-no-mikoto, and in some stories, he is the father of the god Susanoo. Takemikazuchi is an important figure in Japanese mythology, offering strength and protection to those who honor him.


Takeminakata is the son of Okuninushi, the great god of Izumo, and he is known as the god of rice and agriculture. He is also associated with healing, protection, and wealth. In Japanese mythology, Takeminakata is said to have been born from a giant clam. He is often depicted as a robust man carrying a bow and arrow and wearing a mask with a long snout. Takeminakata plays an important role in Shinto mythology, as his teachings are believed to have been passed down to humans by Okuninushi.

He is also believed to have given humans the tools and knowledge necessary to cultivate rice and build a prosperous society. In modern-day Japan, Takeminakata is often venerated as a deity who brings protection and prosperity to those who honor him.


Tamanoya is said to have created the world and all living things, and he is also the god of agriculture and prosperity. In artwork, Tamanoya is usually depicted as a muscular young man with a stern expression and a white robe, holding a staff in one hand and a drum in the other.

He is a popular figure in Japanese folklore and his stories are often told to children to teach them the importance of hard work and perseverance. People still make offerings to Tamanoya in modern times, in the hopes of receiving his blessings for good luck and prosperity.


Toyotama-hime is a daughter of the sea god, Watatsumi, and married to the legendary hero, Ugayafukiaezu. She is often depicted in art and literature as a beautiful, dignified woman with long flowing hair and a kind expression.

According to the Kojiki, an 8th-century collection of Japanese myths, Toyotama-hime gave birth to Ugayafukiaezu's son, who would later become the first emperor of Japan. In addition, it is said that she taught him the ways of fishing and farming.

Toyotama-hime is an important figure in Japanese culture, as she embodies the values of hospitality, kindness, and benevolence. She is often invoked in modern times as a symbol of hope and stability. Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring our ancestors and respecting nature.


Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is the god of the moon, and is considered to be one of the most powerful gods in all of Shinto. Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is also believed to be the brother of Amaterasu-omikami, the sun goddess. He is often associated with night, darkness, and mysterious powers.

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is said to have created night, as well as the stars and the moon. He is also credited with creating the first humans, who were said to be born from a giant clam shell. Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is often depicted as a handsome man with a long white beard and a crown of feathers. He is a powerful figure in Japanese mythology and is an important part of the Shinto tradition.


A major kami is an important Shinto deity, believed to have the power to bring about great change. They are revered as powerful spiritual forces and embody the ideals of harmony and balance. For many people, connecting with a major kami can be a life-changing experience, offering guidance and spiritual protection.

Although the kami are largely invisible to us, their presence can be felt in our lives in a variety of ways. Whether it’s through a shared moment of peace or a newfound clarity of purpose, the power of the major kami should not be underestimated.

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