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Panchatantra Story For Moral Lessons- Story 3: The Fall and Rise of a Merchant

Writer: KavishtKavisht

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom of Vardhamana; an efficient and prosperous merchant lived there. The king made him the administrator of the kingdom, knowing his abilities.

The merchant always kept the common man and the king happy with efficiency and intelligence.

Panchatantra Story For Moral Lessons- Story 3: The Fall and Rise of a Merchant

A time came for Merchant's daughter's marriage. A lavish reception was arranged. The King, Queen, royal household, and all respected people of the kingdom were invited to it.

He ensured to be a good host to all the invited with hospitality and gifts as a token of respect for attending to his invitation.

A royal household servant who used to sweep the palace floor came uninvited to the reception. The merchant recognized him and got very angry. He caught him by the neck and ordered his servants to throw him out.

The royal servant felt insulted and decided to take revenge on the Merchant. The servant swept the floor near the king's bed a few days later. He knew the king would be half-awake at that moment. The servant started mumbling, "Good heavens! The merchant has become so carefree now that he dared to embrace the queen!"

On hearing this, the king jumped from the bed and said, "Is it true? Have you seen the merchant embrace my queen yourself?"

The servant immediately fell at the king's feet, "O Master, I feel drowsy, for I didn't sleep last night. I don't know what I have been mumbling, but I said anything improper; please forgive me."

The king said nothing to him, but the servant knew that he had sowed the seed of distrust in the king's mind for the merchant.

The king believed it and was troubled with jealousy. He withdrew all his favor for the merchant and forbade him from entering the palace.

The merchant, while entering the palace in the afternoon, was stopped by the guard at the gate, and told him about the king's order to him withdraw all his favor and also forbidding him from entering the palace. The merchant was surprised due to this sudden change in the king's attitude.

The servant was standing nearby and started mocking at the guards, "Ho Guards! That merchant is favored by the king. He is a powerful person. He can have people arrested, released, or even thrown out, just like he had me thrown out of his daughter's reception. Beware, for you may suffer the same fate."

On hearing this, the merchant understood that this trouble is caused by the servant as an act of revenge for his daughter's marriage.

He went home and drafted a plan to impress the servant. He invited the royal servant to his house and treated them with his utmost respect, and flattered him with gifts and garments. He said kindly, "O friend, that day, I did not have you thrown out due to anger, but it was improper of you to occupy the seat reserved for the royal nobles. They felt insulted, and I had to throw you out of compulsion. Please forgive me."

The servant was flattered and accepted to help the merchant regain his position in the court.

Early the next morning, when he started sweeping the palace floors, he waited until the king was lying half-awake. When the opportunity came, he started sweeping around his bed and mumbling, "Our king is crazy; he eats cucumber in the lavatory!"

On hearing this, the king was taken aback. He got up angrily and shouted at the servant, "What nonsense do you talk about? I would have punished you dearly if you had not been by a royal servant. Have you ever seen me doing the such thing yourself?"

Once again, the servant fell on his knees and prayed, "O Master, please forgive me if I said something improper. I didn't sleep last night. I feel drowsy, and I don't know what I have been mumbling."

The king understood that he had made a big mistake in listening to a person who was mumbling half awake. He immediately orders his guards to call the merchant. The king asked apology and gave gifts, jewels, and garments to the merchant and also reappointed him as the administrator of the kingdom.

Moral: One should treat one and all, even the lowest, with respect.

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