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leading to Sexual Abuse, STD, Sexual Harassment & even Rape.
What it means to see having Sex with Celebrity in your Dream?
Dreaming about a celebrity can be exciting and also a bit confusing. A sex dream about a celebrity can signify "a drive to be successful," often in a realm where said celebrity has achieved success. Alternatively, it can also be due to the long hours you have spent mooning over said famous person.
What it means to see having Sex with your ex in your Dream?
Dreaming about Sex does not mean you are longing for him rather your brain isn't really focusing on that ex as a person. It means your mind distills your ex to a single trait — something that played a prominent role in your relationship — and is alerting you to its presence in your life. It could be a good one, like kindness, or a more questionable one, like an inability to stop making sweet love to strangers you meet at the mall food court bathroom.
What it means to see your partner cheating in your Dream?
Dreams where you're the cheater often signal that you have "feelings of ... guilt and self-betrayal. You have compromised your beliefs or integrity." And it doesn't have to have anything to do with your romantic life — sometimes cheating dreams represent "a situation where you cheated or where you were being dishonest."
What it means to see having Sex with your stranger in your Dream?
Sex dream with a stranger can leave you panicked but, don't get alarmed. It may just mean that you feel uncertain about the near future. More positively, the sexy stranger may represent aspects of yourself that you're interested in exploring — like mysteriously appearing in the dreams of strangers and then having sex with them.
What it means to see having Sex with your family members in your Dream?
Having a sex dream about a family member may seem disturbing, but it doesn't mean you're a weirdo. Having sex with a very close relative in a dream should not scare you away, since this plot has nothing to do with real sexual pretensions. This dream just reflects your wish to become closer, receive support or inherit someone’s best qualities.
What it means to see having Sex with your same sex in your Dream?
Sex with someone of the same gender: If you are not a homosexual or a bisexual in your waking life, dreaming of having sex with someone of the same gender could simply mean that you are emulating the person you are having sex with.
How to Talk With Your Kids About Sex?
Talking with your kid about sex, relationships, and their health is a lifelong conversation. Doing a little bit at a time instead of telling all at once is a better practice to be followed as having a regular conversation increases their sexual health.
As soon as kids start learning to talk, you can teach them the names of the parts of their body. As soon as they start being around other kids, you can teach them about respecting other people and talking about their feelings. The best approach is to give a proper answer when they ask about things like pregnancy. Again, responding in an age-appropriate fashion is important, since information will resonate differently at different ages. For example, if a 5-year-old asks, “What’s birth?” you can respond, “When a baby comes out of a mother’s body.” If a 10-year-old asks the same question, your answer could have more detail and might start with, “After 9 months of growing inside the mother’s uterus, a baby comes out through her vagina.”
Sometime try starting an open-ended conversation like what you know about pregnancy, if any commercials for pads or tampons come in, then rather than changing channel, describe them what it is and its use.
Always try to be active and as they maybe some anatomy books can be of great help in that case.
It’s never too late, and there are lots of ways to get the conversation going. Just don’t try to “catch up” all at once — that can be overwhelming. It’s better to have lots of little talks over time. The most important thing is to make it really clear to your kid that they can ask you questions or come to you for support without fear of shame or judgment.
How to Talk to Your Teen About Safe Sex and STDs?
It is always better to talk about Sex from a young age but its never too late. So, the best way to talk to some teenager is by check in what is going with them and their friends in school regularly. Ask them if they are having a crush or any sense of feelings. Ask them how they think they’ll know when they’re ready to have sex, including the responsibilities that come with it (like preventing unintended pregnancy and STDs).
It is always a good approach to share some of your personal experiences with them when you were of that age. Any teaching that you have learned. But, remember it should always come as a form of story and not a blunt advice.
Be open and listen to their answers. Fill in gaps of knowledge and correct misinformation when you hear them. If they get embarrassed when you bring any of these topics up, reassure them that it’s OK to be embarrassed about this stuff — but they have nothing to be ashamed of.
Give them your take on things based on your values. And let them know they can always come to you to talk things through, get advice, find good information, or get access to health care.
What Is Emergency Contraception?
Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Often called the morning-after pill, emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) are pills that can be taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after having unprotected sex. Some types of emergency contraception work best when taken within 72 hours (3 days) after intercourse.
Emergency contraceptive pills work by delaying ovulation (the release of an egg during the monthly cycle). If fertilization and implantation have already happened, ECPs will not interrupt the pregnancy.
Will my vagina be noticeably bigger after having a baby?
Women often have vaginal changes postpartum. While the vagina will contract down to almost its original size after birth, most women will have a permanently wider vagina. There are many factors that contribute, including how large your baby is, any complications during delivery, and how many babies you have already delivered.
Certain exercises can help strengthen weakened pelvic floor muscles. Kegels, simple, repetitive squeezing or tightening of the pelvic floor muscles—provide some benefit.