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  1.7 Million People Killed Last Year  

  357 Million STD Affected People per Year  

Let's Talk movement

Join the Movement of Sex Education & Save millions from the misconception

leading to Sexual Abuse, STD, Sexual Harassment & even Rape.

Do sexual assaults can be avoided by avoiding dark passage at night?

Sexual Assault and Dark Passage has no connection though it is a common advice that you can easily hear from others. Assaults can be occurred anytime anywhere even in public places or public transports or at the home of the victim. It is seen that the assaulters easily victimize in public places or transports or at the home taking advantage of victim’s silence due to sudden shock and fear of embarrassment. It is a myth that assaults occur at night rather it is seen that more assaults occur during day. Risk of Sexual Assaults shouldn't be used as an excuse to control someone's movements or restrict their rights and freedom.

Can a woman sexually assault a man?

The notion that women are nurturing, submissive helpmates to men are the stereotypes rather women can be sexually manipulative, dominant, and even violent runs counter to these stereotypes. Any unwanted sexual contact is sexual assault, so It doesn’t matter what genders are involved. Contrary to common belief men too do not want to have sex with every woman they meet. Though statistically the percentage is lesser than the vice versa but that does not deny the fact that men cannot be the victim of a sexual assault by a woman.

Do sexual assaults are only committed by strangers?

Only around 10% of rapes are committed by 'strangers'. Around 90% of rapes are committed by known men, and often by someone who the survivor has previously trusted or even loved. Rapists can be friends, colleagues, clients, neighbors, family members, partners or exes. People are often raped in their workplaces, their homes and other places where they previously felt safe.

Do Women fantasize being sexually assaulted?

Yes, there are several Women who fantasize of being sexually assaulted. Even many recent researches show that 31%(who more then 30 ) of women and 57%(In teen age) of women have fantasies in which they are forced into sex against their will. For 9% to 17% of those women, rape fantasies are their favorite or most frequent sexual fantasy. But because of the society pressure that they face since childhood, it makes them less expressive about sensitive topics like sex resulting in girls hiding their sexual need.

If a person did not scream or fight or has no injury, does it mean the sex was with consent?

The Scenes in movies and series where a girl fights and shout has made a common notion among people that during sexual assaults people tend to scream or fight or has some visible marks. Every individual has different way of expressing things similarly everyone reacts different. So, if an individual has not scream or fight or has no injury that is not an indication that they were not raped and the sex happened with consent. Most of the people gets freeze in shock which leaves them in a state of paralyzed with shock, fear, threats or the size and strength of the attacker. In that situation it is obvious that might not physically fight their attacker.

Can a Prostitutes be sexually assaulted?

Rape is rape and it will always be. Prostitutes do what they do to earn a living, just like anyone else working any other job. They get to refuse whoever they want because they aren't under any obligation to provide sex to anyone who wants to have. So, if an escort denies sex, none gets to force it on them. No means no and if anyone forces against their will, it’s rape. In fact, if anyone forces against their will and pays at the end, it is still a rape and person doing so will go to prison for it.

If a man became erect and ejaculated then he must have wanted and enjoyed the sex?

Erection and ejaculation are normal bodily responses to physical stimulus. This cannot be controlled. Most men (and almost all teenage boys) have had the experience of unwanted or unintentional arousal. Stimulation of the genitals (such as pressure, touching or rubbing) can very easily cause an erection, even when it is not intended or wanted. The area around the anus is very sensitive because it has a rich supply of nerves, which can also cause arousal when touched. If sexual assault involves some form of anal touching or penetration, it is common for the male body to respond by developing an erection and/or ejaculating. So, it does not mean that if a man became erect and ejaculated, he wanted or enjoyed the experience.

Do men in relationships don't masturbate?

This question has to be understood properly, if you are putting that in front then indirectly you are connecting a relationship with masturbation. But a relationship is just not that, it means having someone for you emotionally, physically and as a counter part of yours. Masturbation is completely a personal choice and it has nothing to be linked with relationship. It is even proved that sometimes people are more satisfied masturbating than having sex. When having sex, there is not only orgasm that plays an important role but it is much more than that. It is a feeling of sense of love, cared and satisfaction which alone orgasm cannot give. So, to answer the question it is absolutely okay to masturbate after being in relationship.

What is STD?

STD, Sexually transmitted diseases is an infectious disease that spreads from person to person during sexual contact. Any disease transmitted by sexual contact; caused by microorganisms that survive on the skin or mucus membranes of the genital area; or transmitted via semen, vaginal secretions, or blood during intercourse. Because the genital areas provide a moist, warm environment that is especially conducive to the proliferation of bacteria, viruses, and yeasts, a great many diseases can be transmitted this way.

What are the Most Common STDs?

There are at least 20 different STIs. They can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Some of the most common STIs are:
• Chlamydia.
• Genital herpes.
• Genital warts or human papillomavirus (HPV). Certain high-risk types of HPV can cause cervical cancer in women.
• Gonorrhea.
• Hepatitis B.
• Syphilis.
• Trichomoniasis.
• Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS. Having other STIs, such as genital herpes, can increase your risk of HIV.
• Other infections that may be sexually transmitted. These include hepatitis A, cytomegalovirus, molluscum contagiosum, Mycoplasma genitalium, hepatitis C, and possibly bacterial vaginosis.
• Scabies and pubic lice, which can be spread by sexual contact.

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