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leading to Sexual Abuse, STD, Sexual Harassment & even Rape.

Is a bigger penis better?

45% men doubts about their penis size and thinks it to be small while small penis is a rare occurrence. Interestingly, studies suggest that men attribute more importance to penis size than their female partners. Generally, what is more, important to women is a partner who is tender and caring. Discovering how your partner likes to be touched and caressed tends to make for better sex
Researchers have proved that 85% women are satisfied with the size and proportion of their partner's penis. In a study of 50 sexually active undergraduate women reported that for a large majority — 9 out of 10 of the women-penis width was more important to sexual satisfaction than penis length.

Is sex painful?

When a woman has vaginal sex for the first time, it can be a little painful. Pain during sex is quite common, and affects men and women. It can be caused by a variety of things, such as an illness or infection, or a physical or psychological problem.
Sex may be uncomfortable if you're not relaxed and aroused. Make time for foreplay and try not to think of penetrative sex as the main goal. Penetration will be painful if the vagina is not lubricated. You can also try using lubrication.

Do men who are sexually assaulted by men are or will become homosexual?

Sexual orientation is a complex issue and there are no such theories of sexual orientation development due to past experiences. But sometimes the victim becomes confused about their own sexuality and believes they must possess certain homosexual traits to attract men. Even men who clearly identify as heterosexual, and men who project very traditional heterosexual traits , may fear that others will “find them out” as gay or not real men. Even men who are gay or bi-sexual gets confuses and blames the past experience to be the reason of sexual orientation but rather it is completely the choice of sexual orientation.

Why women have different breast size?

Every woman has different breast size it’s called asymmetry, some are into noticeable while some have a super-subtle difference. It is because breasts are made of mammary gland tissue and fat, and have naturally different amounts in each breast. Even breasts fluctuate in size during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, when your body is going through hormonal changes. Sometimes during menstrual cycle, the breasts become bigger, more sensitive and you may feel fuller during ovulating from water retention and blood flow. Perfect Bra that fits the larger breast can help to overcome the problem.

Is it normal to pass gas during orgasm?

Unfortunately, yes. During intercourse, the back and forth motion causes pressure on the anus, which lies next to the vaginal wall causing gas pockets that evacuates. Sometimes, gas becomes trapped in the vagina (very normal, by the way). When you climax, the muscles around your genitals including the sphincter muscle relax, so it’s not unusual for a little gas to escape. If it happens frequently, take an over-the-counter anti-gas medication that contains simethicone before having sex.

Can certain exercises really lead to better sex?

Yes, it is not a deniable fact that a fit body means a better sex life. Cardiovascular Routine will help to build stamina and energy. Strength training and stretching will build muscle and improve flexibility that can be beneficial in trying and maintaining different sex positions. Even certain exercise like have proven in increasing sex drives. Doing Kegels is considered a good sex exercise for men because these exercises can help endurance and control by toning the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles — the ones that let you stop the flow of urine mid-stream. Don’t do Kegels regularly while urinating. This can lead to urinary tract and bladder infections.

Is virtual sex or Cyber Sex really cheating?

Virtual Sex or Cyber Sex is a is a kind of emotional affair in which the people involved develop a sexually intimate relationship without actually meeting. Cheating has a different meaning depending on who you ask. Some people may think of cheating as having sex with someone other than their partner, whereas others may include flirting, keeping secrets, or having a strong emotional connection with someone outside of your relationship in their definition.
But most important is to ask yourself that whether you want your partner to read your exchanges and would he be hurt, angry or resentful if he did? If your partner does not feel comfortable then it is a cheating. Many researches have showed it is highly stressful and harmful for you and your relationship. So, try to figure out what’s missing from your relationship that you’re looking for online and make it sorted.

I smell down there. What can I do?

The vagina has a unique fragrance and some women become self-conscious about the scent of their vagina, but it is normal for a healthy vagina to have a slight scent. However, the odor can change into strong odor if bacterial infections or other health concerns are present. In that case, you can take the opinion from a gynecologist. If there’s no infection and you’re still worried, avoiding spicy or pungent foods may help. Also, avoid using douches or feminine sprays as they can cause infection.

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