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  1.7 Million People Killed Last Year  

  357 Million STD Affected People per Year  

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leading to Sexual Abuse, STD, Sexual Harassment & even Rape.

Does the Number of Sexual Partners Affect My Chances of Getting an STD?

People having Sex with one sexual partner also have a risk of getting STD but multiple sexual partners and partner choice are believed to increase the risk of sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Many People having the STDs do not have obvious signs or symptoms. Even getting treatment isn't a completely foolproof way to stop STDs from spreading. Some STDs (like trichomoniasis) can be treated so they go away, but other infections (like herpes or HPV) will always be in a person's body, even if that person has been treated. Plus, if someone has been treated for an STD like chlamydia and it goes away, that same person can still get re-infected if exposed to the STD another time.
Anyone who is planning to have sex, or who has had sex, should be tested for STDs. And always use condoms for protection — every time.

Does alcohol or marijuana acts as a stimulant for sex?

According to a research in New York, people tend to lasts longer when they’re drunk or high but this is likely due to alcohol’s desensitizing effects on the body. Different people have different opinions and effect for some it was a pleasure experience but some found it to be numbed. There are certain impairments in sexual performance, including erectile difficulties, vaginal dryness, and (sometimes) falling asleep during sex. Some marijuana users reported negative sexual effects, too, but they were more psychological than physical in nature (you know, like paranoia and anxiety).

Can you can't get HIV from a mosquito bite?

HIV, is a human retrovirus that infects lymphocytes and other cells bearing the CD4 surface marker. The virus is transmitted primarily by sexual and parental routes. There are some important factors which have proven that AIDS is not transmitted by mosquito bite. These factors are: (1) AIDS virus cannot replicate inside the mosquito, bed bug, flea, or other blood sucking insect and the lack of replication of HIV in arthropod cells due to lack of T4 antigen on cell surface, and (2) it is unlikely that HIV is transmitted by insects, given the low infectivity of HIV and the short survival of the virus in the mosquito.

Do Girls masturbate?

Masturbation is a normal and healthy way enjoyed by both the genders. Sex is a universal truth and no one can deny it, it may be a boy or a girl, sex is equally important for both of them. But sadly, girls do not accept it openly as they fear slut shaming and so hide it very well. Sometimes both girls and boys are inhibited about masturbating or have difficulty enjoying it because they feel guilty or ashamed. This could be based upon religious or cultural beliefs or simply myths and misinformation. There are far too many myths and misinformation about masturbation that get in the way of the pure pleasure.

Can you can get pregnant while on your period?

Anytime you have sex, there's a chance that could result in a baby, whether you're on your period or not. Sometimes, a girl bleeding is due to ovulation but you may think as period but this is the time for most likely to get pregnant while during period, you're least likely to get pregnant, unless you have a super-short cycle. But again, if you have sex the last day of your period, the sperm can hang around for a while and if you happen to ovulate very early in your cycle, maybe four or five days after your period, the sperm could fertilize the egg, resulting in pregnancy. So, protection is the best way to avoid pregnancy not assumptions.

Baby oil and Vaseline are okay to use as lubricants with latex condoms?

Baby oil makes your skin soft, smells amazing, and is fairly inexpensive. While it may seem like the perfect choice of a personal lubricant, baby oil doesn’t actually work well as a personal lube. After sex, baby oil will prove difficult to wash off with just soap and water. It may take some scrubbing, which can irritate your skin. Also, petroleum-based lubricants may increase a woman’s risk of vaginal infection. Any oil-based lubricant can destroy latex condoms very quickly. A broken condom puts you at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or becoming pregnant. It can also cause stains on your linens and clothing. The stains will be difficult or impossible to remove. Also, Baby oil shouldn’t be used with sex toys made from latex, silicone, rubber, or plastic. Petroleum can degrade these materials and turn your sex toys into a horrible mess.

Does virginity only apply to vaginal sex, Other kinds of sex don’t count?

There is no one definition of virginity. For some, being a virgin means you haven’t had any kind of penetrative sex — whether that’s vaginal, anal, or even oral. Others may define virginity as never engaging in vaginal penetration with a penis, despite having had other types of sex, including oral stimulation and anal penetration. So, there’s no one universal definition of virginity.
However, you define it, the most important thing to remember is that you decide when you’re ready to have sex and that you’re comfortable with that choice. And when that time comes, try not to think of it as “losing” or “giving” something away. You’re actually gaining a whole new experience.

Is Masturbation harmful?

Masturbation is a fun, normal, and healthy act. Despite the myths, there are actually no physically harmful side effects of masturbation. It’s totally normal to masturbate (touch yourself for sexual pleasure) whether you’re sexually active with other people or not. It’s a natural and safe way to explore your body, feel pleasure, and release built-up sexual tension.
However, excessive masturbation can harm your relationships and everyday life. Couples may also mutually masturbate to explore different desires, as well as avoid pregnancy. Self-pleasuring also helps you prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Do condoms take away the feeling and pleasure of sex?

Condoms Can never take away the feeling and pleasure of sex, though some people believe the opposite but after a research it was concluded that both men and women weren't able to appreciably distinguish sexual pleasure while having intercourse with or without condoms. Condoms are beneficial for avoiding unwanted pregnancy and STD prevention. Also, it has been proven that it significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse as it will slightly reduce the stimulation and friction between the vagina and penis.
So, if you are finding that you are losing feeling by wearing a condom or the feel of condom in your vagina, try another brand or model. There’s quite a bit of choice out there. Find what works for you and keeps your protected.

Is the average penis size is about 5 to 6 inches?

In the Journal of Urology study, it is found out from a study of 80 men that an average penis size when flaccid is 3.5inches and when erect is 5.1inches.

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